This Gift Is Worth More Than Any Amount Of Gold, Money, Or Diamonds You Have Ever Seen In Your Lifetime.
In fact, not even Oprah or Ellen DeGeneres can buy this gift…

But they desperately want it, and
I’m sharing it with YOU today!

First, I need you to understand why this gift is so important to me.

When I was a kid, I dreamed about going to Disney World.

But we were poor, and there was no way my parents could afford to take me.

I used to cut out pictures from magazines and daydream about going on all the rides, meeting my favorite characters, and of course…

Enjoying all the candy, ice cream, and cake I could get my hands on!

I could never experience that when I was a kid… 

But Thanks to the Vibrational Phenomenon...

I Suddenly Had All the Money I Could Dream Of… 
and I Took My Family to Disney World.

It was the most amazing trip of my life.

Seeing the kids go wild over meeting Cinderella just flooded me with tears of joy. 

I was finally able to experience that pure child-like happiness through their eyes.

And of course, my wife and I LOVED all the amazing food.

(In my opinion, the Petrifries in Animal Kingdom are mind-blowingly good… and MASSIVE.)

When it was time to go home, we packed up, said our goodbyes, and got on the plane.

There was just one major problem…

I Took My Ravenous Appetite Home With Me.

It was like I regressed back into my childhood…

My longing for all the things I could never have as a child became a compulsion... and I found myself in the candy aisle of every story I would walk into

My financial blessings became a gift and a curse, since I had no limits on my ability to order extra sides and desserts at restaurants or stock up the house with the most delicious and devilish treats you can think of.

I started eating tons of sugar, chemical-based snacks, and alcoholic beverages.

I Stopped Protecting My Vessel… And It Damaged My Health Fast.

It’s amazing how quickly you can ruin your body.

The stress I was dealing with made me eat like crazy, and my nightly glass of chardonnay wasn’t helping, either.

I was effectively poisoning my body with sugar and chemicals, and in just a few weeks, I went from being in pretty decent shape to suddenly feeling bloated, slow, and fatigued.

Even my skin began to look visibly older and more “tired.”

Finally, a Friend of Mine Invited Me on a Yoga Retreat… and I Discovered the “Mental Yoga Method” for Good Health.

When we first arrived, I met the instructor.

His name was Ravi, and he was in truly good shape…

He wasn’t just thin and toned.... 

...he also had incredible balance and a youthful face. He was bursting with energy and vitality like no one I ever saw before.

And I was flat-on-the-floor shocked to find out that he was 70 years old!

I was half his age, but you wouldn’t have guessed it by how I looked.

I asked him how much yoga and exercise I’d have to do to look and feel like him.

He said, “almost none.”

I didn’t believe my ears. This yoga instructor just told me I had to do almost no yoga to be like him?

“So, what DO I need to do?”

“Yoga happens in your mind, first. Visualize your body becoming more energized and youthful.”

It made perfect sense, and the research I found when I got home proved it.

In fact, people who visualize themselves exercising actually grow and change their muscles!

Even your DNA can be rejuvenated and repaired through visualization and meditation.

Mental exercises like meditation are just as important as physical exercise… and if you’re stressed out, it’s even more critical to calm your mind.

I Spoke with My Friend Johnathan about Using This Research to Create a Program that Improves Your Health, Youthfulness, and Energy - Subconsciously

And You’re About To  Get Access  to It!

This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!
After ordering your access will be given to you immediately.
The Audio files are in MP3 format and can be played in our members area or downloaded
We’re calling it Awakened Health, and it uses the same Vibrational Phenomenon as 10 Minute Awakening…

But instead of clearing away stress and helping you erase negativity…

It rejuvenates you - down to the cellular level - and uses healing vibrations to improve your health and energy!

This Program Rejuvenates You, and
It Even Repairs Your DNA.

Yes - your DNA can actually get longer and stronger, helping you stay young and possibly even increasing your lifespan!

You get 21 days of a purifying ritual in the form of an easy-to-use audio program.

Here’s what’s inside:
This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!
After ordering your access will be given to you immediately.
The Audio files are in MP3 format and can be played in our members area or downloaded


Enter a deep, meditative trance that allows you to connect with your body and discover your current physical state.
Create a healing environment using alpha waves that give you full control over your health, mind, and body.
Experience a warm, relaxing state, full of purifying energy.
This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!
After ordering your access will be given to you immediately.
The Audio files are in MP3 format and can be played in our members area or downloaded

Week 2 

Discover your own sensory temple within your mind.
Fill yourself with a powerful, healing energy that gives you the vitality and youth you want.
Target specific areas of your body that need healing and reduce chronic pain in those areas.
This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!
After ordering your access will be given to you immediately.
The Audio files are in MP3 format and can be played in our members area or downloaded


Improve your physical and mental health for you and your loved ones, making their lives better as you reduce your pain and depression.
Take control of your internal energy and allow only positive feelings and thoughts to enter and manifest in your mind.
Discover the Goal-Focus Technique that allows you to prevent pain to enter your mind and body.
Help Extend your lifespan through DNA-boosting guided meditation.

Feel the Energy, Self-Confidence, and Radiance You Want… Without Having to Eat Boring Foods or Follow Difficult Workout Programs.

Good health is the key to a great life.

But doing difficult workouts that stress you out is NOT the way to get healthy!

In fact, many people damage their health and ruin their energy levels by taking on extreme diets and workouts.

Instead, you can begin to feel the natural rejuvenation and purifying energy of Awakened Health within minutes.

And it feels incredibly refreshing.

Like I Said, Oprah and Ellen Can’t Buy Good Health…

But You Can Get Full Access to Awakened Health Right Now and Start Feeling Incredibly Young and Energized Today!

I have to be honest with you…

This is not a regular health program!

We’re launching Awakened Health to a limited audience of just 500 people to start with as part of a research program.

When you get access to Awakened Health, you get the complete 21 day program instantly.

And all I ask in return for giving you this limited-time offer is that you send me a short email describing your experience.

Specifically, I want to know how it impacts your self-confidence, happiness, energy, and youthful radiance.

If you can do that, I’ll let you in for just a fraction of the retail price.

The Retail Price for Awakened Health
is $249, But You’re Getting a Limited-Time Offer Right Now...

For the First 500 People Only:
Get Awakened Health for Just $37 Today!
Like I said, this is part of a research program, so you’re getting an amazing deal on it.

In exchange for your $212 discount, all I ask is that you send me a quick email to tell me about your self-confidence, energy, happiness, and youthful radiance.

And of course, generosity is the KEY to success, so I want to share a few extra gifts with you today.


3 Affirmation Audios for Your 21-Day Journey
Free Gift Worth $67
High-performance athletes and Shaolin Monks use guided meditation, visualization, and affirmations to align their bodies with their minds and desires.

By listening to these health affirmations during your 3-week program, you will physically change and improve your body with the power of a stress-free mind.

Naturally trigger a transformation in your body with this free bonus gift today.


21 Day Subliminal Audios (Normally $49)
Have you ever wondered why “naturally skinny people” don’t have any problem staying thin?

It’s not because of their metabolisms… 

It’s because they subliminally LOVE salad and other refreshing veggies!

These subliminal audios replace bad habits with a natural desire for the foods that keep you thin and sexy.

You won’t believe how much you crave fruits and veggies after listening to this FREE 3-week bonus program! (Retail price: $49.)

Oh, and there’s more… 


Breathing Exercises (Usually $17 - yours free!)
It’s easy to forget how important your breath is.

It provides oxygen to your brain, fuels your metabolism, refreshes your mind, and gives you the essential energy you need to blossom every day.

Instead of letting your breath “happen on its own,” you can finally take control of this essential process and use it to improve your health and happiness.

If you’re keeping count, that’s $142 in free gifts...

But only if you get the Awakened Health program right now!

Here’s what people have said about this program so far:


Yes, You Still Get a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Just because this is part of an important research program doesn’t mean you don’t get the same 60-day money-back guarantee.

All you have to do is sign up today, before our 500 spots are taken, to get it for just $37.

And you have 60 days to try it out, risk-free.

Awaken Your Body and Experience the Purifying Energy Inside the Awakened Health Program!

Your health is the most important form of abundance you have.

It gives you the power to chase your dreams, reduce your pain, and enjoy a long, happy life.

Click the button below to get started now.


This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!
After ordering your access will be given to you immediately.
The Audio files are in MP3 format and can be played in our members area or downloaded
If the 500 spots are already taken, you will be notified immediately and your purchase will be refunded instantly.

In fairness to everyone, I cannot extend this research discount beyond the first 500 participants, so please don’t miss your chance!
